Saturday, July 17, 2010

Is the United Kingdom really a broken society?


What do you think about Bank of America

I think it

Who thinks Mel Gibson

She obviously set him up recording the conversations. But she killed her golden goose too. Mel Gibson

Should Marijuana be made Legal on just the Economics?

I know many are going say nothing but bad things about Marijuana, and I personally feel that Marijuana is on track with alcohol, so it

Did anyone see the clip where Levi Johnston

I know it surprises no one that this is all for show but they couldn

Where online can I watch FOX and CBS tv programs live?

You can watch FOX, CBS, ABC and NBC tv channels live on the internet here. I use this to watch sports live, tv live and movies, there is a wide variety of tv programs. Works great for me.
go to their websites. I watch NCIS on

Hey check out Zoltan Socrates?

All his posts are digging away with the trowl of deeply rooted bigotry and frustrated futile race hate. Keeps dipping in and out of the immigration section then back into current events. This mind isnt on current events it is on a daily event of himself waking up to a brain on a single mono track of feeling inadequate scared usurped and outdated. Are this persons rants copy and pastes of parts of other users in the immigration section then botched with his own take on things and posted into current events.

To try and look intelligent and mask stirring up hatred.

In order to feed the persons sickness which gnaws away at them ?

Come on lets pick this weasel to bits like a piece of fried chicken and let them see that when it comes to meeting more than their match.

It has happened !

Shoot Zoli its your shout ?
i like crayons
I don

TOP 4 : Current events section of yahoo ?

Thank God for music ?

Open Questions in Current Events

Where is Osama bin Laden?

Raoul moat, facebook and freedom of speech what are your opinions?

Does anyone feel sorry for Peter Sutcliffe?

Tamil migrant ship heading for Canada. Scared?
Thanks for the email Forrest, good to see they allow computers in your special unit.There are several people in this world that I find obnoxious and you are all of them.
thank god for travel - Bye! btw the music is crap!

Why are questions from the UK Yahoo! Answers forum posting here on the United States Yahoo! Answers forum?

It appears the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and members disputing blame is causing a great deal of animosity between the UK members and the United States members. This animosity, at least for me, is becoming intolerable. The animosity here between the UK members and the United States members is becoming nearly as severe as their common animosity toward radical Muslims. Why are questions from the UK Yahoo! Answers forum posting here on the United States Yahoo! Answers forum and why doesn

Glenn Beck is here in Salt Lake City today, should I go to his book signing to see what a great guy he is?

I certainly would if I was there.
If that

What would be considered Barbaric within Sharia Law in Modern America?

Stoning,cutting off hands,caning(lashing),mutilations,run threw with a sword,beheaded

There are four main schools of Sharia law:





Should I start cheating too in online gameplay on xbox LIVE ?


Judge rules that Peter Sutcliffe will do a life term, is that justice?

I believe it is, and how anyone could have believed that he would be released, including Sutcliffe himself is beyond me.
After killing 13 women and trying to kill 7 others justice would have been a bullet to the back of his head.
I quite agree with you. Schizophrenia is a very sad condition, but they are very cunning and able to convince even the cleverest experts that they have changed and are repentant. They are not! My brother was schoziphrenic, so I KNOW!
Aye, spot on!!!....................Justice is a rrrare occurrrrrance these days
It beggars belief that release was ever an option.What mercy did he ever show any one?
No one was expecting his release, least of all Mr Sutcliffe. Although the trial judge had set a minimum term of at least 30 years before parole was even considered, no final tariff had been set as is now required. In those days it was the Home Secretary who set the tariff but these days it has to be a judge. What Mr Sutcliffe was doing was having his position regularised in accordance with current practice. He now KNOWS that he will die in jail, rather than suspect. It was never going to be the case that he would be released, but he needed to know.
How much has this nonsense cost the taxpayer? Surely no sane person could believe that Sutcliffe should ever be released? Oh and i include Sutcliffe himself in that... knowing wink....
We should have the Rope back for people like him. Why should he continue to live when he has killed so many women. He is being fed and watered at the cost to the British Public, and no one knows how long he will live. A once prisoner in a British jail once wrote in the Paper that after he had been in Prison for a long time he was upset because he was out again, because nowadays it is like living in an Hotel, with three good meals a day and choices as well.( Menus)... so they live better than I do, and many more like me..
He should have been hung.

There is no justice in this country thanks to politicians of all parties.
Yes, but lets hope that in a few years time with another government this sentence is not changed. Why did he change his name to Coonan?
About time a judge showed he had a couple of good size furries and made this decision. Justice is now seen to be done and to mean something. It would be nice to think a few more judges can show a bit more backbone about making similar decisions where they need to made in the future.

By the way, just reading others replies and most of us including Misty Blue, are saying pretty similar stuff, seems a little odd to see thumbs down, so guessing some people are just using the question to show displeasure again her........I don

How much time will the barefoot bandit get?


If people would have more personal goals for themselves would they have less hatred towards LeBron James?

I live in Cleveland and was a fan of LeBron, but come on folks, how many of you made career changes and changes in your life more in line with your personal life goals and challenges. The attention only makes New York and Cleveland fans look like they need to make changes in their own lives if LeBron

Is this not just one more example of how cruel Israel is to Palestinian civilians?

in ref to:

Why do some people keep saying that the new BP cap

At best, the cap is supposed to be used to run tests for 48 hours. The well is not

How do you feel about the New Black Panther Party?


China UFO question-Hot button, cold now?

Yesterday, almost every major news organization (CNN, Yahoo!, ABC News) including various chinese organizations, put out pictures, videos and a short brief of the UFO over China. I believe this event happened July 6th or 7th, but as of yesterday, was a hot news topic. Front page, first few headlines, you name it, it was covered.

Now, I can

Anyone interested in a low maintainance cat?

Cheap to feed and the only worry about it making a mess in the house is if you knock it over.
My pure white cat Snowy aka

Opinionated articles?

For my American Lit and Comp class next year part of our summer project is to read an article, clarify the thesis or main idea and then respond to the article either defending the articles main idea or challenging it. I

Parliament Square clearance- Will it be police overkill or massacre?

The peace protesters will be encouraged to leave, having lost their court appeal.
Knowing the Metropolitan Police, some poor innocent sod will be shot !
Why does it have to be

How to get pumped writing articles?

I want to feel more adrenaline writing articles, I want to improve my writing speed and quality and I know some people know tricks to become extremely focused all day long and writing madly.

Tell me how to get pumped!
find a subject that you care about. what makes you angry? what gets you excited? maybe you should write about war music? it

Like the Burka should the kilt be banned in Scotland for security reasons ?

ta mucho
Definitely not...real men wear skirts.....sorry, kilts....
why there is nothing of value kept hidden underneath except for a couple of baubles.

your welcome!
Why should the kilt be banned in scotland when its part of our national costume.
Well NO that

Quality news stations?


Is the minster having a laugh when he says there will be no implications for honey?

now I

Is it really necessary to have a new Black Panther movement-we all breathe the same air!!!?

I believe this is separatist and racist!


How do I locate a recent article by the associated press?

I was interviewed the other day by someone who works for the associated press and I was told the article would be released on Thursday. I don


Is it genuine or fabricated ????
pretty creepy honestly

the light beam looks real but it

Why are blacks so Antisemitic?

Hitler and his followers had no love for blacks. Yet blacks in the Western Hemisphere are as antisemitic as the SS. Look at the New Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan once called Hitler a

Why don

One thing I admire about the UK. They have always known how to take care of business! Libya has money and oil. There is no nor has there ever been a secret deal nor relationship to let the alleged

Is There An Age Limit For Writing Articles For A Magazine ? ? ?

Probably 18. I

Is the nick berg muslim beheading video real?

looked real to me until the point when he put his head up an there was absoulutley no all.. the low quality also seems wierd. Ive no doubt that he is dead but why would someone try an fake it? an if its real was there any proof? link
There are unanswered questions ...


The goverment asked for facebook to remove the page

the page might not be right but apparently in Britain we are entitled to freedom of speach! Isnt this defeating the purpose of freedom of speach?
So cubejam....freedom of speech is only free when EVERYONE agrees with it? well thats statistically impossible a group will always disapprove of somthing we say. I may not agree with this page but it does not tell people that murder is good, it doesn not tell people to commit crimes it simply says that the man involved not what he did makes him a legend.

Should i sue everyone if ther mention great britain as i am scottish and deeply offended as i never wanted to be part of the union and to me its a sign of scottish i wouldnt be allowed becasue its freedom of speech.
It is not a matter of freedom of speech, but rather a matter of glorification of crime ...

***A FACEBOOK page dedicated to British killer Raoul Moat has been removed by its creator after widespread condemnation - but no move by the social networking site to take it down.

Siobhan O

Where you can see whats happening in real time?

Does anyone know where you can see a map that shows whats happening right then and there (real time)? Please !
Not sure about real time , but Google map have fairly recent pics of places etc .
google map
You could use the obvious, Twitter, to see what people are doing. It includes information from smart phones to tell you where someone is

Who Designed the latest cap that successfully stoppped the Oil from leaking into the Gulf?

I heard that it was a local plumber. Is that true. and No it was not Joe the plumber

The company that Dick Cheney was president of that the liberals hated so much. They are the only ones with the expertise to do such things... and also the only ones with the expertise to rebuild Iraq.

Gives you a good idea who we elected. If it were up to the Democrats we

When speaking of the Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, how far beneath the surface is the leak?

It is a little over 5000 feet deep
I think someone said or suggested that there are more leaks down along the line under the water because of the ocean floor and pressure exerted. So I think more situations might be coming up. I hope not.
there is no leak with oil, typical volcano, they dug 30,000 feet, its why they need to barrels on either side soon to equalize it, ts a volcano, duh wake up, the Katrina situation left tons of land the US sold to arabs for their casinos., the gulf will be a AMERIKKKAN DUBAI by 2012

My birthday tomorrow,what time was I born,what age am I,best gets 10 points?

BORN ,, 3-40am


age ??? 42

but yer useless at picking horses :)

hard to understand, but your birthday! is your own home! I come from Vietnam
31 years old

born 18th July at 08.01 and you are 18.

What does controversial mean ?


I have sociology homework and i have no clue how to do it !!

This is what i have to do :

choose a controversial issue

state the different opinions which people have and why

why i choose that issue

Please help !!

Thank you x


Death Penalty

War against terror


Responsibility for economic crash

Energy Crisis

Is there really Global Warming?

Or choose a local topic of your own...

Main thing is to present BOTH sides and try to stay neutral.

Good Luck!
Controversial = has divided opinion (some will agree strongly, some will disagree strongly).
an issue that drew strong reactions from different groups of people. i guess you could talk about the vietnam war. an example of different opinions may be the patriots getting behind the troops but the hippies being against it, and expanding on the reasons behind their opinions.
some people are agree and some are disagree this situation is called controversial.


arguable, questionable.
Its like someone agreeing to one thing and another agreeing to another and have not the same opinion.

Eg in a discussion group some people will agree to a subject about say politics and another group may not accept for what they say. They dont agree with them on the same policy. Someone might agree that we would have to pay more taxes and others dont agree at all.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I don

It would appear so,perhaps that was down to the people who influenced him early in life not being rampant Zionists.

kevin:did you keep your face straight typing that?Maybe you meant piece?It

Is a family owned company that can last a long time ...?

Because I

Why aren

the Justice Dept


Lord Haw-Haw.

Is Obama going to cram HIS immigration plan down our throats too?

The majority of the nation is against Obama

What good do you think the passion for football can bring about? Do you think this can work?

London, July 06 (ANI): A football that generates electricity to charge a cell phone or power a light from a short kick is set for trial at the 2010 FIFA World Cup host South Africa.

Four female undergraduate students, from Harvard University, who wanted to find a solution to the developing world

I think there is a burglar in my house...what do i do?

Just kidding, i just needed you to click on this. It

Only 100 Al-Qaeda left in Afganistan?

i heard on CNN that only 100 are left. why is the US fighting and who are we fighting in this war if only 100 remain?

who are the Al-Qaeda?

who are the Taliban?

unfortunately, i believe that we are too deep into this war to just back off. when and how can we end it quick?
That 100 is an estimate based on Intelligence reports.

Unfortunately even if the figure is correct, those 100 are not gathered in a basement together they are scattered all over that huge country in caves, safe houses and almost certainly undercover in American bases.

That figure does not include members and associates in Pakistan and other sympathetic countries who number in many thousands - and who are training fresh members to go and fight.

The Taliban were Freedom Fighters that were financed and armed by the CIA to attack and harass the Russian forces then in Afghanistan. When Russia withdrew the Taliban who are hard core Fundamentalist Muslims took control of the country and introduced strict Sharia law. In effect they turned the clock there back to the 12th century.

When the US invaded in an attempt to track down Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qieda group because of their planning and execution of the 9/11 Twin Towers/Pentagon attacks, the Taliban government fought them but lost badly and was swept from power.

That should have been the end of it but the gangster Cheney and his puppet Bush suddenly diverted our crack troops and Marines to the invasion and occupation of Iraq, as a result the Taliban have gradually regained power in many areas and now present an every day threat to our forces.

When all is said and done, it

Do you think this is a good idea?

I thinking of making a website that would be a African American Encyclopedia. This website would have everything from Famous African American inventions,Famous African American figures, List of African American children book,list of African Americanan restaurant in each major city,Famous African American quotes, and triva questions/games.

Can this idea become successful
As a successful entrepreneur i always advise

Which do you prefer? 1 OR 2? HELP?

1 to raise and kill a chicken yourself

2 to buy one from KFC and realize the leg is broken but you didn

Is it just me or is the world at the blink off world war 3?

just with every country bowwowing money that they cant pay back and iran its just feels like its going to happen and china wanting to be a superpower same with russia
I think that some countries, notably Iran and North Korea think that war will solve all their problems but many of the world leaders know that war brings nothing good into our world and that another war would not only be bad but may cause our species to become extinct.
Yeah i

For us the live in the usa what do we do about iran do we invade them or do we just nuke them?

All Iran has done to us to threaten, brag, and bully. Now is not the time to nuke them ( by the way, this is a LAST resort ) as they are not currently a threat to us, although they may soon be. The LAST thing we want to do is use nuclear weapons, unless our security is seriously threatened.
Why not leave them alone ? They

Death to iran long live israel how 51st state?

Death to the current regime in Iran. Long live the Persian people, though, who have a long and amazing history and culture.

Long Live Israel. Am Yisrael Chai. . Seriously, Israel is a great nation, but unfortunately many people are ignorant about some of the facts concerning Israel.

51st state: If anything, that would be Puerto Rico. However, they have made it clear that they, as a whole, don

Why not stop overseas aid and use the money to rebuild UK schools?

Giving money to finance the Indian and Pakistani Nuclear Weapons Programmes, and to finance numerous dictators and tyrants might be a good idea to the intelligentsia, but why not use the money to rebuild UK schools.

Thoughts please.
I completely agree. I remember raising money at school 30 years ago to send to 3rd world countries which was supposed to help them help themselves dig wells, propagate the land and provide sanitation yet look at the news today, nothing has changed so what the hell are they doing with all the aid we have sent them? I

A referendum on AV, no referendum on the EU. Fiddling while Rome burns?

The libs didn

Why are my friends ignoring me ...?


Why can

Mind you he looks a bit tidy eh? Wouldnt want to meet him in a dark alley eh? I

Did the Arab countries most responsible for petroleum in the world ...?

Arab States (Middle East) is one of the largest oil producing nations. The charge to be responsible, I think too much. That

Moat released 2mths into a 4mnth sentence, knowing that he was dangerous. Do the lunatics control the Asylum?

Knowing that Moat was a danger to his ex-girlfriend, the prison authorities let him out after he had served 2 months of a 4 month sentence.

If they knew he was dangerous, and they sent a letter to that effect a day after they had released him, why didn

Why the French president adopted a controversial ...?

He took off his Ministers.
Policy Evaluation results were taken from the French president. The problem of tax scandal, abuses of money belonging to the State with an indication of private interests. I think the attitude taken by the President has been good and true.

Hopefully useful and thank you.

Do you agree more precautions to cover up on the beach should be taken by females?

In order to preserve decency and maintain relationships.

If the women didn

What are the different types of Journalism?

Also, I have been told by my teachers that my spelling is fantastic and I was also told that I am good at spotting out grammatical and spelling errors as well. Is there any type of Journalism that is most suitable for my strengths? Explain your reasons.

Proof reader

Is it bizarre that Ronaldo

ristiano Ronaldo

What happened to the

I was going to say which police? because I think he will flee abroad

Perhaps the chippie was a

What do you think of Bankers who laundered billions of dollars of Mexican drug money in order to ensure their?

what do you think of Bankers who laundered billions of dollars of Mexican drug money in order to ensure their financial liquidity during the financial crisis?

of course they

Is it hypocritical of Turkey to ask for an apology from Israel?

Considering they haven

Moat case ~ 2 mile exclusion zone, can it work?

Police today declared they are

What if the drug cartels started spending billions on the bond market and hedge funds, etc?

the drug cartels could pressurise governments to reduce their budget deficits by cutting back on public services like policing and fraud investigations!
If the drug barons, the armament suppliers, the Russian mafia and those who generally support the black economy were to withdraw their money from the market place you

Should one of Charlie Manson

If you were on the Parole Board would you vote to free this woman now that she

I wonder if Britains anti immigrants bigots and hypocrites know this?

Paid for accomodated given education and health facilities for the first two years upon arrival and over half a million in one year jumping on the freebie bandwagon. How the Aussies sang

What do you think makes a person like Raoul Moat snap?

As Mohart says, he has always been a bully, even at school and before the steroids. He has always been used to getting his own way even if that meant that he had to beat someone up to get it. I dont think he did in fact

Why does Barrack Hussein Obama hide his membership in the predominately Muslim New Black Panther Party?

You are mistake. Obama was a member of the Socialist, New Party, not the New Black Panthers. However, you are correct that the Obama Justice Department declined to prosecute the New Black Panthers for a clear case of voter intimidation. Go to Fox News to watch the Megan Kelly interview with the honorable whistle-blower, J. Christian Adams.

PJM Exclusive: Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obamas DOJ (UPDATED: Adams Discusses this Article on Fox News)

Earlier this month, I resigned from the DOJ after bringing the New Black Panther voter intimidation case. Longstanding biases within the Civil Rights Division are hostile to a race-neutral enforcement of some civil rights laws. (Click here for Adams on

Soon after his confirmation, Attorney General Eric Holder labeled us a nation of cowards, a people supposedly unwilling or afraid to discuss race. Based on my experience as an attorney at the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department, Holder has far more to fear from that discussion than do the rest of us.

If we had that frank, truthful discussion about race, wed learn that the Obama administration doesnt believe some civil rights laws protect every American. The Bush Civil Rights Division was willing to protect all Americans from racial discrimination; during the Obama years, the Holder years, only some Americans will be protected. Americans have a right to know and judge the racial policies of the administration they elected in 2008.

The dismissal of the voter intimidation lawsuit against armed New Black Panthers in Philadelphia is the most prominent example of this hostility toward race-neutral enforcement of civil rights laws. But that dismissal is far from the only manifestation of the beliefs infesting the Department. Many other cases and decisions some of which I will detail below are in question and deserve scrutiny.

Exclusive: Race Was Reason Holder Dropped Black Panther Case
because he isnt
and your proof is ?
Straight out lie why don

How quick would oil clean up begin if it were off Nancy Pelosi

You wouldn

Every time i turn on the news there

You would have got an intelligent discussion going if you had asked an intelligent question. We would all like to know exactly what up north village you are rabbiting on about as you are the only one that knows anything about it.
Cheeky! The lastest shootings are in fact in the Newcastle/Gateshead area, quite a bit from Rochdale. Thanks for BA!

Report Abuse

cos its cheaper to move a round the north than it is in the south.
because they are friendlier oop North.......
Because you

Raoul Moat is completely mental. Are immigrants and foxes to blame for this?


Do you believe that the people that will have a mother of two beaten and then stoned are totally innocent of?

adultery and other similar behavior? If and when the Iranians take over here, and there is a good chance they will now that we will help them become a nuclear power under the disguise of space exploration ( so they can wipe-out Israel ) will we lose most of our hollywood sluts to mass stoning? I hope not because anyone can see the light and change, can no one there have mercy and pity for a mistaken judgment of a mother of two?
No they are not all innocent,that is how the practice has survived the centuries, people come to hate their own weakness and by stoning they feel some comfort in their conscience!
Christianity talks forgiveness.
I hope that barbaric action never come here because there will be be very few men and women left standing .

Am I a failure at 44?

I am living on my meager disability, I have no money and no property. I am basically a very isolated person with HIV and bipolar. It seems that all my family is better off than me with families, properties etc.
NO NO NO. Many years ago I volunteered at an HIV phone bank that directed people to assisance in their local community. Depending on where you live their is help. Medically speaking, the meds are working (I guess you know that, but you also know the meds can take a price on your body). Find a nutriionist, excercise as best you can this will also help your bipolar situation. Above all go to a comunity college and learn something you can do, it doesn


eric smith is badly missed on the [5] five am news. i hope he is on vacation
Yes, in the Cayman Islands.

How do I take notes/record stuffs while walking around the mall?

It will look kinda awkward and probably obvious that I am observing the people and their actions, behaviors whatsoever (for a observation project) while walking around and going into stores in the mall and glancing at people while holding a paper and pen. Well, it would be easier if I would just be sitting in one spot while observing, but the thing is I need to write an 8-12 page report about my observations, so I need a lot of events so I need to walk around recording stuff like how people interact with others how they react to certain situations, what are they doing in the store are they just browsing or do they have an intent to buy something, is this guy staring ahead while walking or is he looking at shops turning his head here and there, what do most people wear based on gender and age, how fast they walk, the sights, sounds, smell, and feel of the surroundings, my whole experience everything etc etc. and I need to be as detailed and specific as possible as if I