Saturday, July 17, 2010

Judge rules that Peter Sutcliffe will do a life term, is that justice?

I believe it is, and how anyone could have believed that he would be released, including Sutcliffe himself is beyond me.
After killing 13 women and trying to kill 7 others justice would have been a bullet to the back of his head.
I quite agree with you. Schizophrenia is a very sad condition, but they are very cunning and able to convince even the cleverest experts that they have changed and are repentant. They are not! My brother was schoziphrenic, so I KNOW!
Aye, spot on!!!....................Justice is a rrrare occurrrrrance these days
It beggars belief that release was ever an option.What mercy did he ever show any one?
No one was expecting his release, least of all Mr Sutcliffe. Although the trial judge had set a minimum term of at least 30 years before parole was even considered, no final tariff had been set as is now required. In those days it was the Home Secretary who set the tariff but these days it has to be a judge. What Mr Sutcliffe was doing was having his position regularised in accordance with current practice. He now KNOWS that he will die in jail, rather than suspect. It was never going to be the case that he would be released, but he needed to know.
How much has this nonsense cost the taxpayer? Surely no sane person could believe that Sutcliffe should ever be released? Oh and i include Sutcliffe himself in that... knowing wink....
We should have the Rope back for people like him. Why should he continue to live when he has killed so many women. He is being fed and watered at the cost to the British Public, and no one knows how long he will live. A once prisoner in a British jail once wrote in the Paper that after he had been in Prison for a long time he was upset because he was out again, because nowadays it is like living in an Hotel, with three good meals a day and choices as well.( Menus)... so they live better than I do, and many more like me..
He should have been hung.

There is no justice in this country thanks to politicians of all parties.
Yes, but lets hope that in a few years time with another government this sentence is not changed. Why did he change his name to Coonan?
About time a judge showed he had a couple of good size furries and made this decision. Justice is now seen to be done and to mean something. It would be nice to think a few more judges can show a bit more backbone about making similar decisions where they need to made in the future.

By the way, just reading others replies and most of us including Misty Blue, are saying pretty similar stuff, seems a little odd to see thumbs down, so guessing some people are just using the question to show displeasure again her........I don

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