Monday, March 23, 2009

Yes, I am an idiot..................?

Can someone explain the Treaty of Versailles to me in a condensed form, if that's possible......

The Treaty of Versailles ended WW1 between the Western Allies and the Central Powers.

The Central Powers were punished by having their empires dismembered; territory either went to form new,independent states (for example Poland),or was divided up between the victorious Allies.

Germany was further punished by having to pay reparations ($6 billion) for damage they caused during the war,handing over their navy to Britain,having their army reduced to 100,000 men with no tanks, no airforce, and no submarines or major warships for the navy.They also had to admit full responsibility for causing the war.

The Treaty also set up the League of Nations, an international organization designed to prevent future wars through diplomacy and arbitration.

There were 2 main problems with the Treaty. Firstly, it punished Germany too much - eventually, Germany was bound to recover and want to reverse most of the terms of the Treaty.Secondly, France and Britain decided all the terms of Treaty, ignoring genuine concerns of even their allies, which these allies found very annoying; this would cause problems later.

~No, I can't because it's not, so yes, I guess you are.

WW I Fin.

It was formal agreement to end a war. Too condensed?

How would you define packingtown from Upton Sinclair

Well how do you mean define it? It is a world where the hopeful come to work hard and build a life, but where hope is destroyed. It is fierce, vicious, and cruel. It is a competition in which all participants are equally guaranteed to lose. It is crowded, close, cold, unhealthy, and unforgiving. It is a place of injuries, death, and despair. Need any more?

What do yiou think of her?

please asdd my friend to your myspoace profile. she is total cutie and knows how to get donw at the club. she can dance and she is almosy a real cheerleader.

please add ehr and ill ber your firend.

Lol "almost a real cheerleader". What's stopping her? Nobody can be almost an anything, it's either you are or you aren't.

It's like, "I'm almost pregnant!" Seriously, that doesn't work in real life.

By the way, this does not relate to whatever-this-category-is. Adding your buddy to myspace? Seems forced, if you ask me.

Ok only if you check this out. It's really cool...

I'd like to, but i dont have Myspace.. sorry...


you are soooo funny.


Can somebody help me out with some of the scientific aspects of my fantasy/sci-fi novel?

I'm writing a sci-fi/fantasy novel that is set in another world. The technology is slightly more advanced than ours. I'm trying to make it as believable as I can, but I have a pretty good plot planned out, and it requires having a certain plot device that I am not sure about.

Just to clarify, when I say I want to make it believable, that means in the context of another world. Since this is another world it makes sense that it'd have things that we don't. It has different animals, creatures, energy, minerals, food, plants, etc.

Alright so in the story, there are these poeple (we'll call them mutants for now even though that isn't quite what they are) who are born with the ability to harness and manipulate a particular invisible "energy". They use it a lot in the plot. They can use it to hasten cell regeneration, sharpen their senses, and a few other helpful things. They can also sense when another of their kind is near (this is important to the plot). They also use it as a destructive force (in combat). It is almost like a pyrotechnic power except with the energy instead of fire.

So, my question is how can this energy just exist on the planet? How could it simply be everywhere? I don't want it to be a gas, so I guess it shouldn't be something that is just in the air. I tried to think of other things in our world that we can find everywhere, and I thought of solar energy. I thought about using that in the plot, but then I realized that a star is a star, and my world's sun couldn't be some special type of star that emits another type of energy. That is something I consider unrealistic.

Then I though, What about the moon? To my knowledge, moons can be very different and be made of different materials, so maybe one of the planet's moons could give off the energy. Would this be a believable option?

Then it hit me that it could simply be from the planet itself; like from the core or under the surface. Would this believable?

Or would the energy not really need a particular source. Could it simply be an omnipresent force that exists everywhere?

Speaking or force, maybe it could be like THE Force from Star Wars, in which the "energy" comes from something created by living things, such as one of the fictional creatures in my story.

NOTE: the energy wouldn't have to be completely everywhere. Like with the creature idea, it would only be wherever the creatures hang out, but since there are many of these creatures, the energy would be almost anywhere.

So, I've brought up a few possible choices. Is there one that sounds believable to you? Can you come up with something more believable?

I don't think you need to explain why it's there. Explaining it almost makes it less believable. It's an alien planet, therefore it allowed to be different. If anything I'd stick with the simple - it's omnipresent like the force. The energy is what is important, not its source. The people on the planent would think the energy was natural and wouldn't think anything of it. They wouldn't wonder where it came from, and neither will the reader. Just my opinion.

What about radiation? Your people can be a type of living organism that is highly resistant to radiation... maybe even need a certain high level to survive. It can come from the earth, from the moon(s), from storms, from certain microscopic organisms... Just take it and run!

How bout that there earth deep down has slight movements. They could harness those movements in big power plants and convert into energy some how? Hope u like it!

HELP PLEASE! art assignment question! dadaism painting?

i need a description of this dadaism painting-

Jean Arp's "Before my Birth./Avant ma naissance

Jean (Hans) Arp . Before my Birth (1914) Collage. 4 3/8 x 3 5/8".

Like many of the Surrealists in the 1920s, Arp experimented with collage. He simplified color and form in this collage to six or seven shapes that could be interpreted in many ways. The blue shapes could be a profile of a woman, the black shape part of her hair. The blue could also be musical instruments or other objects on a table. Arp plays with his shapes and forms until he gets the composition balanced and a degree of mystery and possibility of interpretation in the artwork.

Spiritually speaking are you happy with your role in this materialistic world?

or you are in need to change your image to survive here

i am happy with my present role.

i am not selecting my role. it is predeclared.

Albert Einstein believed to be a great scientist. he quotes:

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."


"I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice."


unhappy people are those who could not realize that they cannot change the given role.

I am happy for anything, and I do not define myself by a role.

I want to question your assumption that this is a materialistic world. Perhaps it is a spiritual world, and Maya creates the illusion of materialism. What is the ground of being? Can something materialistic have it's roots in something so purely spiritual?

Spiritually speaking, you asked, so have a great day, may everything go your way.

SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING god has just prepared the set up,the characters and the history of the play.its me who has to prepare the dialogues and rehearse to deliver them in the best possible manner so in a manner i have to develope my role in the play the question that if i'am happy does not holds good because its me who has to do everything to make it work and i will obviously be happy and satisfied with i i'am very happy in this materialistic world spiritually and even more.

Spiritually speaking. You make your bed you lie in it.

Happy with it or not, I am only getting what is due to me because of my previous deeds and desires. We are not children of this soil, this is not our home. We must try to learn to fix our minds on the Absolute Truth and act according to Dharma at all times and just tolerate whatever comes in our path. The spirit soul is eternal and nothing can happen to the soul. We are just travelers on the path of life, but our true destination must be the spiritual world, our eternal home.

Take care and best wishes always


no; nor unhappy. so much in the materialistic world is beyond my control to change - so, i have to take it as it comes. i try to maximize my advantages, trying not to hurt the interests of any other. i have not found the need to change my image at all - survival comes as a by-product.

The materialistic world does not force me to do anything. I force myself. A car does not insist me to buy it . I do it No inert thing in this world can force us against our will. So it is NOT the materialistic world but a materialistic ME ! It is me who has to move away from my material leaning to the spiritual leaning . In this I am slowly emerging . I have changed my role and I am happy .

yeah , coz , i create sipitual atmosphere around me all the time , so that all the materialistic things dont affect me anytime n everywhere .


I am correcting my role in the materialistic world through my spiritual pursuits.


I am fine and happy, that the most important thing.

I haven't given it a thought...honestly!!!

Where can I get my short stories published?

There are many different publishers you can submit your stories to, depending on their length and genre. For specific names and protocol of publishing, try Writer's Market. There's both a web-site and a reference book, but since each of those costs about $30, I recommend you go to your local library, which should have a copy.

Take a notebook with you and spend an afternoon copying names, addresses and specifics of publishers and studying the proper way to compose cover letters, etc. has a literary database with a few hundred possibilities, along with advice on how to increase your chances for publication. has a database with probably more than that.

Be sure to follow standard manuscript format (an oxymoron, since the 'standard' changes often) for your submission. Don't forget a cover letter, a SASE, and patience. You will often wait six months or more for a small piece of paper that says, "Thank you but it's not what we're looking for."

Good luck!

Anyone know the name of this short story?

There's a short story I read a long time ago that I'd like to find again. I think it was fairly obscure, but hopefully someone here may have read it. It was about a pianist who had six fingers on one hand, and was able to play beautiful music because of that extra finger. I don't remember much about it, unfortunately, but at the end he shows up on stage right after he has amputated his sixth finger, his hand wrapped in a blood-soaked handkerchief.

If anyone knows the story, I'd love to read it again. Thanks!

"Fantasy for Eleven Fingers" by Ben Fountain? This is from a google; I haven't read it. But it just might be it!

What are some changes that happened in Ancient Rome...?

that have to do with culture? In other words, when and how in Rome's history did the culture differentiate?

Last Century BCE... Gladiatoral Combat moves from a special performance to honor someone who has died into a public blood sport that made many rich, killed a large number of slaves, freedmen who volunteered to be gladiators, criminals, Christians, and animals. Early in Roman history, the Romans only held gladiatoral bouts during a funeral or holiday, by the time of Caesar, he noticed that he made good money by promoting the gladiators. He soon began sponsering gladiatoral games for other reasons to increase his profits. Various political leaders also noticed that plebes distracted by the games were less likely to riot or cause trouble, and thus encouraged the increasing number of specticles to pacificy the masses.

The Reign of Constantine I, 4th Century. Ignoring political changes, remember that Constantine legalized and became Rome's first Christian Emperor. This set off a long series of changes as polytheism was eradicated in the old Roman Empire and replaced with Christianity, a religion once persecuted. This brought about many cultural changes.

The Fall of the Western Roman Empire 400-476 CE. Ignoring the fact that the political climate changed greatly, the fall of the Roman Empire also brought about great cultural change. At its height, Roman was an urban civilization with its economics based on trade, limited manufacturing, and conquest. By 400, Rome was becoming a rural state with its economics solely devoted to subsistance farming. Trade continued, but not at the same level as in the First Century, and the range of trade was much narrower. Instead of trading with Alexandria, Rome would trade with Ravenna and Mediolanum (Milan today).

Looking for a good book?

I really enjoy sports and action books and would appreciate it if you could suggest some good ones for me.


Well all I've really read that sort of covered the action theme were pretty good but they might not be what your looking for, but i'll suggest them anyway:

- The Alex Rider Series - Anthony Horowitz

- The Power of 5 Series - Anthony Horowitz <-- More supernatural themed but they are all fast paced.

- The Uglies Trilogy (and Extras) - Scott Westerfeld <-- That's more futuristic but they do some amazingly awesome tricks.

- Lord of the Rings - J.R.R Tolkien. <-- Amazing battle scenes.

- The Inheritance Cycle - Christopher Paolini. <-- Awesome if your into more fantasy based battles.

That's really all I could think of, I don't read too many sport or action books, but I might go on a bit of a hunt for a few now.

Good Luck!

what about vampire books..

From this picture guess where i am.?

Germany at that Beer Festival.


A festival,fair,party

a renaissance festival?

sweden? germany? poland?

Germany, medieval times, october fest?


Renaissance fair.

October Fest?


Germany's Oktoberfest?

That dress you're wearing is so damn cute! Where'd you get it? I need one.


looks like October fest in Germany

at a circus, eating chilli mango

some sort of german or swedish festival??

Craggy Island

is that Dougal in the background?

In my dreams!

In a beer tent in New York

a party

Who cares!!!

germany. i swear i know you...

Is this a good song to sing for an audition?

"And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" from the 1982 musical "Dreamgirls". A little pretentious, I know. But is it a good audition song?

Ya this is a great song! For any kind of musical!

Depends on what type of show you are trying out for.

Can someone have the same graffiti tag name as you?

Okay, i NOW FOUND ME A TAGG NAME. but uhh small little question.. and i dont want it from punks. i want it from REAL EXPERIENCED taggers... or someone who knows something about GRAFFITI. Okay so anyways... Say u live in CANADA and another person lives in .. UK... and they have the same tagg name// Should i just keep thinking .. or keep minees. Cuz i kinda really am in love with it now. lol .. anyways .. answers plsssss.

Use the name but just as a show of respect for the other tagger add a little "c" at the end of the name (like how you see brandname's with the little "c", "tm" or "r" in a circle at the bottom right corner of the name)

you can have the same name as some one, but sometimes people get pissed. why are you tagging anyways? i work in law enforcement and people kill over crap like this, i have even worked cases where people have killed other taggers for using their names....freewill is our god given right, but try making the right decisions girl! try debating over what college to go to instead of worrying about nonsense like this.


Why was Ernest Bevin against creating a Jewish state in Palestine?

Bevin wasn't against the creation of a Jewish state but more opposed to the huge influx of Jews from Europe into the area which went against the governments 1939 white paper, restricting the number of immigrants to Palestine. This in itself was re-enforcing the Balfour declaration of 1917 which set up Israel to begin with and Bevin kept quite close to. Within the declaration was the specific statement that "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine". This explosion of Jewish immigrants trying to get into Israel at the end of WWII went completely against this, and Bevin (along with the rest of His Majesty's government) was concerned that this would be detremental to Britain's Arabic subjects of the Empire - who had agreed to Jewish settlements as long as they were not excessive and forced out those already there.

The UN eventually took over the mandate because Jewish terrorist groups such as Irgun and the Stern Gang began attacking and killing British soldiers and British and Arabic civillians during a swathe of bombings and shootings, such as the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which killed over 100 people. Plus, Britain was also trying to sort out the situation in India who wished to gain their independence and this was of a greater priority. The US steamrollered the UN and Britain (who was no longer a world power due to WWII) into exchanging places with control of the mandate, giving them opportunity to influence the UN into granting greater Jewish rights to areas in Palestine that had been unavailable to them in the Balfour declaration, despite US guarantees given to the Arabic contingent for their sovereignty back in 1917 when they were wary of Britain's dealings with Palestine.

.Wasn't Bevin's decision to have this decided by UN.That was the Attlee Labour govt.Bevin was of the opinion that the arabs would be hostile to a jewish state in their territory.The Arab League told the UN that if they (UN) were so concerned about a jewish state.Give them(jews) a part of Germany.As Germany was responsible for the mistreatment of jews not the arabs.Even at the time of Christ there was no such place as Israel.

Because he felt the Palestine region should be governed by the majority Arabs

He has foreseen the troubles we have today in and around Israel. .

What did Marc Antony do for Cleopatra ?

what did marc antony ever do for cleopatra ??

Cleopatra was in a difficult position as Queen of Egypt.Firstly, she was a woman, and women were not seen as ideal rulers in the ancient world.More importantly, by the time she met Anthony, Rome had taken over the rest of the Mediterranean basin.Given the wealth of Egypt (it was the richest country in the world at the time), and the fact that Egypt supplied the majority of grain for Rome, it was inevitable that Egypt would become a target for Roman takeover sooner rather than later,and Cleopatra recognized Egypt was not strong enough to resist.

Cleopatra therefore seduced Mark Anthony to provide protection for her country, and to maintain its independence.He was Rome's leading military commander, and shared political power with Octavian. So, Mark Anthony supplied this military and political protection to Egypt, and, in addition, the potential, with Cleopatra's financial help, to become sole ruler of Rome, thus making Cleopatra empress of the Known World.Unfortunately for them, they were defeated by Octavian and both committed suicide.

U r a naughty dirty s***er

Name of the short story...?

I'm trying to remember the name of a story. It was about a very strict government, that was all about equality - people better than average were dumbed down (with headphones that beep very strongly), stronger people were given chains, prettier people given masks. A man who is basically superrhuman breaks out of jail onto the set of a live dance show, breaks his handicaps, and dances with one of the dancers. It ends when a lady comes in and shoots the both of them. The father was watching at home, doesn't know the boy because his headset goes off and he acts like nothing happened. That's essentially the whole story in a nutshell. Anyone remember?

"Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut.

Good story - the film adaptation wasn't bad either, if I can trust the 15 year-old me that watched the film before reading the story.

You can read "Harrison Bergeron" online here:

How to improve acting??


A very informative website, kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone categories link in left side.

How to improve drawing?


Jane Austen Novels Containing Week Father Figure?

What novels of Jane Austen have week father figures in them???

thank you so much xx

Try "Persuasion" - the father is shallow and obsessed with rank/money, to his own detriment.

mr price fanies father from mansfield park, he was a pathetic worthless man that cant provide for his familly, too me that being weak.

and mr woodhouse emmas dad though emma loved him he was an invalid sort off and had little influence and say on anything.

Well, Sir Thomas of Mansfield Park was rather clueless.

What would you say a portrait is?

What would you say a portrait is?

A painting or photograph of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant.- i googled this btw.

or somthing else?

Opinions and ideas please :)


The definition you've given is the bald truth but a portrait is so much more (or should be).

A portrait should have the ability to reveal the person's personality - in the past they were used to demostrate status through their clothing, accessories or props and setting. Think of the portraits of Gainsorough for example, or those of Tissot (both of which dealt with sitters who were wealthy), then compare them to some of Van Gogh's potato pickers' portraits which deal with the very poorest in society.

I love portraits as you can look directly into the eyes of someone who lived before and possibly learn something of the prevailing attitudes of society at the time.

All commissioned portraits are exercises in vanity. If the expression is the most important part of that particular work, then I'd wonder what the sitter or the artist was wanting to tell us and what he/she was trying to hide from us.

A portrait is an interpretation of a person.

a good portrait should equally give an insight into the character of the artist and sitter...

Expressionist style.

How much rent should I charge to use my home for photo shoots/films/etc?

My 14 acre property and home are very unique and beautiful with gardens, ponds, creeks, streams, old barns, fences, stone walls and old foundations etc... I was thinking of renting out the place to photographers or filmmakers. I would charge a bare minimum to help out struggling artists. I'm also in Central Pennsylvania (not a huge modeling or film market) so I have no idea what to charge? I don't want to do it for free and not because I want or need the money, but I need to charge something to keep it on a professional/business level. How do I find out what to charge?

The answer is "what the market will bear".

It really depends upon who you are dealing with, and what kind of budget they have to work with.

I have a friend who's house was used in the movie "Mississippi Burning" several years ago. He didn't tell me an exact amount, but he said he made over $150,000 after expenses.


Yes - he had to purchase a special liability insurance policy to protect him in case someone was injured on his property, and to insure against damage that was incurred to his home or property.

This was not cheap.

I would first check with your homeowners insurance company to see what a insurance rider would cost. Then decide on a minimum amount you would need to charge - then consider the fee to be a negotiable amount, based upon who you are dealing with.

Struggling artists are not willing to pay much, since they can find plenty of free locations. Film crews and photo shoots are more likely to consider a "location expense".

Sounds like you have a great place. Good luck.

I think you are missing the boat here. If it is as pretty or scenic as you say, you should do outdorr weddings at this locations. Charge for THAT. Allow Pro Photographers to use the location for free when their are no weddings, for their location shoots.

That is right. Free.

This allows you exposure and advertising to your property that will not cost you a dime. The Photographer's customers show up for thier shoot, become aware that you do weddings here, and word of mouth takes over.

I think this, in the end, will be far more profitable for you.

My 2 cents.

I like the answer about checking insurance first. All it takes is someone to trip and sprain an ankle or get one little scratch that a week later is infected to cause all sorts of problems for you.

insurance plus a nominal fee that you can live with.

also most states have a 'film commission' or some similar office in state government. they will have lists of productions that are actively searching for locations and people in your area.

Put your listing on Craigslist and come up with a ball park number. Gauge your future rates on the response you receive from the initial post. That is how I have worked in the past. Simple, quick and efficient. Good luck :)

To Whom Should I Address My Complaint 2 .......?

He heeded my lament, my prayer my invocation,

It was not he of the Himalaya heights of cooling nights

Nor He who halts in hushed tones all wagging to

to the moon

question need clarification please!

When is best time to buy Airline Tickets?

Going on cruise October 11th we need 7 tickets from St. Louis,Missouri to Orlando,Florida. We will be flying out October 11th and returning October 16th. Just wondering when is the best time to purchase these tickets???

You should buy your tickets at least 14 days before your departure date. If AA is having a price of $179 per person, I would buy it immediately because anything under $200 is a good price. If you wait, the price may go up.

Well the only way to get a gr8 price is using a real good travel agent...they r the ones who know all the cheap deals... I have one luckily and you really will be amazed at the different prices they can get u...

well there is this guy called Jony Morrison whose got fired from the airlines and now is showing people all the airline tricks.... you can save $1000s with travel agent tricks ... you can get them here http://jessicabr.session99.hop.clickbank...

hope this helps :)

usually at least 2 weeks before your travelling date will be fine. Or keep checking airlines for special promotions.

from my own experience i tell you that there is no best time to buy Tickets . It all depences on the Airlines company .


Which county in West Virginia has the most archeological sites?

In West Virginia history we're doing a worksheet and one of the questions is which county in West Virginia has the most archeological sites. Please help. Love you lots, Sarah:)

Mason, Putnam, Kanawah, and Fayette Counties are all part of the Kanawah Valley Region of West Virginia and they all have the most archeological sites in the state.

Here is a link to archeological information

in the area:

How long is ALIBAUG from mumbai?

by sea it takes hardly an hour

by road it takes around three hours

So, now Israel has to worry about its own citizens committing terrorist attacks. What do you think?

Makes me think that Lieberman may have a point.

This is kind of funny, that Sara thinks that the Gaza terrorists are angry at Israel.

She forgets that these Muslims provoked Israel or eight years by targeting innocent Israeli civilians.

And, no surprise to anyone, Israel finally decided to strike back.

While we do not know who planted the booby-trapped car in Haifa, we do know that it was some terrorists intent on killing Israeli citizens. The Arabs just don't like a Jewish state there, whether these are Israeli Arabs or Palestinian Arabs.

The "Israeli" terrorists are Israeli or non-Israeli Arabs who benefit from the state but paradoxically wish to destroy it.

Rocket fire by Gaza terrorists and Israeli retaliatory air strikes have become nearly daily occurrences. Israel halted a military offensive aimed at ending the rocket fire on January 18, but sporadic violence persists as Egypt-mediated talks on a long-term truce have failed to yield results.

We are looking forward to a Saudi Arabian Suicide Week. A study of the role played by Saudi Arabia in funding and exporting radical Islamist Wahhabi theology throughout the world, while many among its oil-rich ruling class would be the first to be beheaded for their decadent lifestyles, should Islamists ever seize power.


The suggestion is that Israeli Arabs were responsible for planting the bomb. We must all thank G-d that a passer by noticed something was wrong and alerted the authorities - otherwise the loss of life would probably have been terrible.

If indeed it was a group of Israeli Arabs that planned this atrocity, it would add weight to the idea of asking them to pledge allegiance to Israel. If they don't feel able to do that, then let them leave.

The same thing should happen in the UK, where we have currently groups of radical Islamists openly voicing support for Al Queda and Jihad. While, of course, they enjoy life on state benefits that the rest of us are subsidising.

Son, we've all figured out by now how the jew mind works.

They would even kill their own kind in order to provoke or to stop any peace negotiations between the Arabs and the Jews.

Do you remember what was about to happen a couple of weeks later than 9/11 ? George was about to say Yes to a Palestinian state.

So, at least some of the jews involved in this new "terrorist" charade, realized that whatever you try and do from now on, it will just blow up in your faces.

We are all watchin you guys. You are on bail, remember Gaza?

The Machine

We should first recognize the source of Terror.

Arabs are extremely angry for the Gaza/Israel war, Israelis have expressed their Anger/Revenge from Hamas by Attacking Gaza which caused severe Damages in the Strip.

But how can the Palestinians express their angers/revenge?

they don't have military, Tanks, Fighter Jets etc... the only way they can express their anger is planting Bombs in Israel.

Am not justifying Terrorism, because its wrong and its killing Israeli civilians not Militias.

I wish peace could be restored in the Holy Land...The land of Peace.

Once Lady Fayrouz (A great Lebanese singer) Said "Wa Stushhida Al Salam Fee Watan Al Salam" (The Peace have died in the home of Peace).

We should bring the peace ALIVE AGAIN!

Salam Alikom.

I don't see in this article where it says they were Israeli. Only that they did not publicly say Pals.

However those front end loaders that crashed into cars in Jerusalem were Israeli weren't they.

They aren't near the first Arab Israeli citizens the government has to watch.

We have our militant groups in America too and yes Big Brother is watching.

Nothing new here.

I have been keeping up with events in Israel, the numbers of Israelis against Zionism is growing in number. Eventually Israel will fight among themselves.

The article saysd Hamas did it. So whats your poiunt ?

As you sow, so shall you reap. Cheers!

What is the closest airport to vallecito, ca?

The nearest airport is in Modesto, CA. The only airline that lands there is United Express. The nearest major airport is Sacramento.

Both are a considerable drive from Vallecito.

Do you need a credit card to rent a hotel room?

Yeah, I've almost thought you do...

usually motel / hotel will require credit card, that is incase you ran off, or damage things in the room. than they charge to your card.

Alternatively, you can pay cash, some hotel, require you to pay for room in advance when check in. meaning we you checking for e.g. 3 nigths you pay up front. some might also ask for security deposit, in case you bring home their TV. ha ha!!

but u will sure need a credit card, if you require to book a room in advance before your arrival.


In most cases, yes. Hotels will not accept cash or checks & will not rent you a hotel room unless you have a credit card of any kind. They are also warey of debit cards because they can be used as a credit card but it gets deducted from your checking account.

it depends on the hotel. But usually if you want to make a reservation you need a credit card, but if your just checking in without one you can usually just use cash.

It depends on the hotel/motel, but generally they'll accept cash unless it's absurdly expensive but even then. Ask yourself this question, can you buy a car with just cash? I think so....!

yes you need to have a credit card regardless of how you pay for the's for incedentals


Junior cert science investigation ?

Hi I'm after doing my two investigations . What if you dont know what the result is meant to be and you didnt fin a conclusion and you weren't able to solve the problem ???? What do I write about for the conclusions and the calculations ???? Can someone help ???? I wasnt able to solve the physics investigation !! ! !What do I do when writing it up ?

You explain how your hypothesis didn't pan out and what conclusions you have drawn from that

It's very much a "well, this is how NOT to do it" write up.

Are uk tour operators such as first choice being more lenient because of the recession?

as in letting you change your holiday after you've paid the balance or are they still being strict on booking conditions?

As far as I'm aware they are still being as strict on booking conditions. Many travel companies are struggling at the moment due to the recession so you are unlikely to find that they will relax their rules.

Can anybody help me by explaining what is an average living cost in UK - Birmingham ?

I%26#039;m getting a job of 40 K / Year in UK ?Birmingham, I really need to know ground figures of living costs there, I mean what is an average or minimum family house rent, how much does it need to get driving license if u even have previous, what about taxation, food %26amp; home expenditures, or any other expenses which are necessary to know. I would be thankful.

40K what? or $?

40,000 is a comfortable income. For a single person, even a couple but you may find you need to be frugal if you have children and both couples want to run a car and socialise.


Is the best site it takes properties from almost every UK estate agent.

Shopping for food and other basics

Roughly. Yearly

House Rent 6000-12000 depends what you want and where.

Council Tax 1000-2000

Electric/Gas 2000+

Water/Sewerage 500.

Home insurance 250

You can drive for 1 year on a foreign license but you will then need to take a new test which you should budget up to 1,000 to get lessons take the written and road tests and license.

You can earn 6000 a year tax free after that it is 20% but you will also have to pay for NHI that will put up deductions to about one third of your salary altogether.

If you have kids you could get family tax credits and pay less.

You should be able to claim a family allowance too

Claim for everything as soon as you can, if you are entitled you will get paid back to the date of the claim.

Food costs will depend on how many of you there are and what you want to eat.

A small chicken costs from 2.50

Loaf of Bread .70p more or less

Pint of Milk .50p

Bottle of wine from 3.00

half a pound of butter from .85p

5lb potatoes about a 1

Eggs from 10p each

Cooking oil 1.10

You can get other prices from

Google :



For more prices/On line catalogues.


Has anyone flown long haul on kingfisher airlines?

thinking about flying to goa via mumbai with them at christmas.

any feedback





Is there a good art store in Malaga Spain.?

I need to do an outdoor mural near Malaga. I am looking for liquitex acrylics. Is there a good art store in Malaga City?

Yes, there are several.....

PINTURAS ANDALUCIA is a large chain of stores for all types of paint. DIY products and artists supplies. Their largest shops have a special department for artists supplies. (I go to the one in Mijas Costa, near El Corte Ingls).

El Corte Ingls (department store) also has a section with artists supplies, but it is not as well stocked as the other, and is more expensive.

There is another place on Calle Marmoles in Malaga, but I haven't gone there for a long time and I don't remember the name.

Here is one I found in the Yellow Pages:


Alameda Capuchinos, 59

MALAGA 29013

Tlf : 952 265 847

And here is another with a website:

This one has several locations

I have never used it but it seems quite complete in the website.

Curiosity...Where are you going to paint your mural?


allow a make-up feature??

so that you can wear the makeup you want?

and also a free hair wear-er.. so that you can wear your hair the way you want and also get to dye it too?

Of course it should!

Just wanted to say Hi ya Princess Tia.

Why don't we see you much anymore on Egypt?

Do any body love Asian(korean

I'm a black dude who thinks Asian girl are so beutiful & sexy. Do u think I'm crazy or agree with me. because Im gonna ask this Asian girl out in my school I been knowing her for 2yrs

Nahh, dude. You're fine. I have a black friend who likes Asian women, too. He still promises me that he's going to marry one and live in Japan, or some other Asian country.

It's a popular preference, actually. Many people like Asian women.

Is ther any stores in dubai that sell emo stuff?

im new in dubai and im really looking for a sotre jst like hottopic which sell lots of emo stuff but i ***** find any stores in dubai!!! since in my country america have emo stores n stuff i thought they had here too but i ***** find!!! plz tell me the store and location

You can find *some* stuff in Burjuman, but be prepared to pay a pretty penny. Ibn Battuta on Sheikh Zayed Road near Jebel Ali used to have a Hot Topic look-alike (called Rage or something equally banal), but I don't know if it's still there (haven't been to that mall in a few months). Probably your best bet, though, would be to web order. There's not much of a market here for emo. Good luck tho!

Oh yeah, have you checked the new Dubai Mall at the base of Burj Dubai? I don't know what all they have there, I'll be going for the first time this or next weekend, I'll keep my eyes open for you.

Good evening !

I agree with the first commentor and you can also try Posters , the best thing is to buy them online
Was he a fool, for risking it? It's a common occurrence--a DJ of his standing should've known that. What do you think--should spaying of watchdogs be mandatory, where DJ's are concerned?

i think u mean castrated, you spey female dogs, however, well done for the mediocre joke.... zzzz

I must assume that your headline is deliberate ........ if it is nice one.

Chris Moyles is not my cup of tea I must say, I don't find him even remotely funny or entertaining, however the prevailing attitude towards political correctness is getting completely out of order.

Well Moyles is a tosser anyway - hopefully he'll get removed.

hes a wally. funny when stewart lee mocked him for releasing a toilet book thats said to be "butt-clenchingly honest"

I think you need to check your spelling - he was rapped by the watchdog, not raped.


ha ha ha

Currently what is the point....?

of someone blocking you when you never asnwer their questions in the first place and have no fall out with them-pathetic?

because some nut jobs in here who are obsessed with having a pop at a dying mother also have their minds so warped that they will block you if you are friendly with some one they do not like , I think it all stems from the mental health cut backs

it happened to me the other week. I don't know. I don't deliberately upset anyone, someone must have disagreed with an answer of mine? Or maybe they think you and I are someone else?

Blocking is really more symbolic I think. I've only done it a couple times to people who seriously insulted me and I've eventually removed them.

Silly people playing silly games.

It's obviously someone you already know but with a different account.

It means something to the person who did the blocking and that is all that matters to them.

Ask your Shady mates ;o)

Besides which, how do you know you're blocked if you never answer their questions?

this show is running longer than the mousetrap

i've run out of popcorn

I never blocked you Plato!

Its all lies!! ;)

What motivates people to hack internet sites?

My daughter in law asked a question earlier about people using software on this site to gain personal information about users when they post anonymously on the Suggestion Forum.

What kind of person would gain pleasure from doing this? What is the point of doing it?

because they have no life and this is the only bit of excitement that they get, it gives them a sexual kick to feel that they have some sort of mysterious superiorority power over us mere mortals

If they are doing to get personal information their could be several reasons.

They find it a challenge to thwart the forbidden.

They are malicious for kicks.(like keying a car)

They have fragile egos and hope to seek revenge for some perceived slight on the Q&A boards.

They are criminal and hope to use personal information for monetary gain.

They are in competition with one another to see who can hack the most info.

Antisocial or criminal type people.

Limit the amount of personal information you have on the internet.

I use a pre-loaded credit card that once you spend the amount you loaded you cant spend any more. So its not really a credit card as you cant run up debt on it. If it gets hacked you have limited your liabiltiy to the pre-loaded amount.

Free access to porn through a back door is the main reason for so called innocent hacking, stealing peoples identities and cloning their bank details through a key logger is the most criminal of hackers. But the ones who do it just for fun or for the challenge aren't innocent either. A lot of amateur wannabee hackers like to think they're God because they got their hands on a widely available program that does all the work for them to make somebody elses CD drawer open. Wow all hail king of the hacks!

If somebody is using yahoo to gain personal information are trying to play God, losers want to get a life and they aint that smart, a trace route could find out who and where they were even through a proxy.

Ive just read that thread and Im in bulk laughing.

"The "..user affiliated with Yahoo staff.." was a story made up as a joke, openly admitted to later by the person involved, claiming someone was married to a Y!AT staff member (despite their being in different countries and she being a good 20 years older than him).This supposed Y!AT wife is a user in a well-known category and NOT what you could call an SBR."


And Lou knows it.

my son has asperger's syndrome and he spams/hacks sites. I've asked him why and talked to him about consequences, but he just laughs.

If I ban the internet he'll trash the house when I'm not there so don't tell me to stop him.

My Paypal account was hacked - I live in Pittsburgh, PA and it was hacked from Britian. Horrible time working with paypal to get my money back, but finally did. Money is the motive.

i would imagine people with problems inside their heads or sadists. or people who are desparate for money, or people who are jealous of others try hacking people's accounts.

That would be attributable to the asshole gene. NO other explanation.

to gain information for stealing money, or identities for criminal purposes usually i would imagine

Have you seen Oktomom sling around those toys inToysR Us?

Have you seen her hold two of the babies in those infant car seats, walking with them, swinging them a bit? I thought she had a 'back injury'? Is she received SS disability? Is that fraud? Did she go on rides at Disneyland with her kids? How can you do that IF you are truly injured? Just wannano!


Have you ever invented a partner like the barmaid in Coronation Street?

She does it to detract attention from amorous drinkers, would you ever do the same?

Would you do it for the same reason as her or just because you were a saddo who couldn't pull in a brothel?

Yes I have and here on line too.

Someone in a games room was pestering me big time so I came in, pretended that I was my husband and he soon vanished, creep!

Well I might be tempted to do it in her situation, it would be awful being chatted up by leery blokes at the bar all the time, in fact I couldn't be a barmaid I hate having to be polite to people who might be rude or ignorant.

I once claimed to have a steady girlfriend as a way of avoiding the attentions of a girl at college who seemed very interested in me - at the time it seemed kinder that just telling her I didn't fancy her!

I wish you had invented a boyfriend instead of coming after my poor joshy

Hi Mrs Shambo.

Enjoy your weekend in the barn?


yes i have done the same to get a boy to leave me alone

Privacy on the Internet?

I asked the question in the following link and it did not show

can you follow the link and answer thanks. Christ you ask a serious question.....

We really shouldn't parade our private love life all over the internet.

Anybody that believes there is any privacy on the internet is a fool.

I did and thank you for asking such a serious question. It needed to be asked.

done xx

What would make you stop watching a programme?

I usually watch loose women since I retired. However I tuned into today to find Fiona Phillips face staring back at me! Would this be enough to stop watching your favourite programme? Should I write to my local MP about it?

Fiona Phillips ....... a more smarmy know-it-all you are unlikely to meet.

I hate her more than Adolf Hitler.


Well I like Fiona actually and as someone who is not a fan of Loose Women I welcome her input.

I would like to see the back of Sherrie Hewson, the dippy one. Also Gillian Taylforth the blokey one, and Sherie Murphy she was useless remember her?

Oh no at leats Fiona can actually present she'll be a good asset to the show.

Sorry MIL.

I agree!! I cannot stand her - I also cannot stand the opera singer that is on there sometimes - I cant remember her name but she annoys me.

On GMTV they got rid of Fiona and got the equally annoyin woman, someone calles Crosby

I never watch Tv , but when I did I used a little button marked"off"

Swearing and seeing sex acts,loud "background" music sends me to the off switch pdq,,,.

"there here, the tv people" boohahahahaha

Brits do you have an equivalent place?

to Tuckerman Arkansas.This is somewhat famous in the USA as a breeding place for giant flabby mutant children derived from inbreeding.

I always thought our equivalent was Norfolk.

Your inbreds sound a whole lot worse though

Yes there are a lot of small towns and villages dotted about where inbreeding can be blamed for all range of things.

Edit: they usually have little or no social skills in these places, like for example they will feel that outsiders are evil and then go on to marry their own cousin/brother (who happens to be the same person)

no, unfortunately, the brits that went to america were the crazy ones, and the civilised stayed at home. ergo, you have the crazy kids place, and we get the nice places, called houses.

have a nice day :D

Yes it's called Jaywick and it's in Essex. Ugh.

Look it up.

On 31st January 1953 there was a great flood there which killed 37 people...

Not enough.

Norfolk, well most of East Anglia.

Outsiders are not welcome and you stick out like a sore thumb if you stray into their territory.

It happens all over-personally I would class that as child abuse




Yes. It's called Norwich.

Yes I think it's called Bermondsey.

Yes , Its called England

inbreds ey..... the isle of white.

Of course.

No, we dont.

LOL... some funny answers.

I would say, hmmmm..... Alaska ! Or our royal family !! LOL

Its called The Midlands over here ...........