Monday, March 23, 2009

Spiritually speaking are you happy with your role in this materialistic world?

or you are in need to change your image to survive here

i am happy with my present role.

i am not selecting my role. it is predeclared.

Albert Einstein believed to be a great scientist. he quotes:

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."


"I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice."


unhappy people are those who could not realize that they cannot change the given role.

I am happy for anything, and I do not define myself by a role.

I want to question your assumption that this is a materialistic world. Perhaps it is a spiritual world, and Maya creates the illusion of materialism. What is the ground of being? Can something materialistic have it's roots in something so purely spiritual?

Spiritually speaking, you asked, so have a great day, may everything go your way.

SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING god has just prepared the set up,the characters and the history of the play.its me who has to prepare the dialogues and rehearse to deliver them in the best possible manner so in a manner i have to develope my role in the play the question that if i'am happy does not holds good because its me who has to do everything to make it work and i will obviously be happy and satisfied with i i'am very happy in this materialistic world spiritually and even more.

Spiritually speaking. You make your bed you lie in it.

Happy with it or not, I am only getting what is due to me because of my previous deeds and desires. We are not children of this soil, this is not our home. We must try to learn to fix our minds on the Absolute Truth and act according to Dharma at all times and just tolerate whatever comes in our path. The spirit soul is eternal and nothing can happen to the soul. We are just travelers on the path of life, but our true destination must be the spiritual world, our eternal home.

Take care and best wishes always


no; nor unhappy. so much in the materialistic world is beyond my control to change - so, i have to take it as it comes. i try to maximize my advantages, trying not to hurt the interests of any other. i have not found the need to change my image at all - survival comes as a by-product.

The materialistic world does not force me to do anything. I force myself. A car does not insist me to buy it . I do it No inert thing in this world can force us against our will. So it is NOT the materialistic world but a materialistic ME ! It is me who has to move away from my material leaning to the spiritual leaning . In this I am slowly emerging . I have changed my role and I am happy .

yeah , coz , i create sipitual atmosphere around me all the time , so that all the materialistic things dont affect me anytime n everywhere .


I am correcting my role in the materialistic world through my spiritual pursuits.


I am fine and happy, that the most important thing.

I haven't given it a thought...honestly!!!

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